New Dragonbane Free Quickstart! And It's Awesome!
I was able to snag a copy of The Sinking Tower at GenCon, and I'm so happy it's available for everyone now! And it's free!
Morning, friendos! I woke up to some good news that I just wanted to share. Free League Publishing released a new Quickstart for Dragonbane, and it’s awesome.
I got a physical copy of the adventure at GenCon from an amazingly generous community member, and I am very happy that the public gets to experience it now. It’s called The Sinking Tower, and it’s a timed adventure that keeps your players engaged the whole time using puzzles and other mechanics that can dictate how the adventure runs. It’s great.
Check it out on DriveThruRPG and get it for free. And while you’re there, grab some of my Dragonbane adventures, too. They’re just as awesome, wink wink nudge nudge.
And here’s the press release from Free League that gives you more info, if you don’t trust my opinion. Which if you don’t for shame. FOR SHAME. I have great taste, haha.
Enjoy, my friends!
As the holiday season winds down and wallets are feeling lighter, Free League Publishing has today released a new and completely free Quickstart PDF for their award-winning fantasy RPG Dragonbane – including condensed rules, pre-generated characters, and the tournament-style adventure The Sinking Tower.
Get the Dragonbane Quickstart – The Sinking Tower for FREE at DrivethruRPG.
The Sinking Tower offers difficult challenges for even the bravest and most skilled adventurers. The players will need to work together to solve puzzles, win battles, and find valuable treasure – all in just two hours!