6 Super Cool D&D Things!
Stealing a format from the talented M.T. Black, here are some super cool D&D-related things I thought you might enjoy!
1. M.T. Black’s Newsletter
First of all, if you haven’t subscribed to M.T. Black’s newsletter, I highly suggest it. Every week, there’s an email with cool links about D&D I’d never have seen otherwise.
I love seeing them in my inbox, so I am straight-up stealing the format and going to try to send you regular lists of neato stuff that I find. (Don’t worry, MT, I won’t use any of your links. Promise!)
2. Tome of Beasts 3 from Kobold Press
I have been so absolutely stoked for this one. The Tome of Beasts series is by far my favorite 5e set of monster manuals. They’re head and shoulders above the normal ones that WotC puts out.
Since I was a Kickstarter backer, I was able to get my copy early. And it’s amazing, as I expected. You can pre-order yours at the Kobold Press Store, and I highly recommend it.
3. Isopropyl Alcohol Can Remove Mini Paint!
I absolutely ruined the face of a Tabaxi Pirate mini I have, using too much Army Painter speedpaint, too much wash to try to make it better, and too much Fairy Dust to try to make it even out.
I am taking a Q-tip with alcohol on it and wiping the little fella’s face tonight.
4. Cerberus XT on Instagram
This is the prettiest color palette for a mini I’ve seen in a long time, and I am 100% buying these colors at my FLGS this week for my in-progress BBEG mini (see number 6 on this list for more).
I’m not a Warhammer player, but I am starting to really adore miniature painting and using battlemaps and minis for my D&D games. I have a lot to learn about painting. A lot.
5. Awfully Queer Heroes Makes 100 5e Spells and Sockets Gems
If you missed their Selenar’s Socketed Items Kickstarter, you can grab the final PDF on DTRPG, and it’s totally worth the cost.
The creators are launching a new KS in January called Saphyx Spectacular Spell Compendium and if it’s as cool as the socketed items book, there’ll be great stuff for your campaigns.
(I am introducing socketed gear into my Spelljammer campaign this week, actually.)
6. Eldritch Foundry Minis are Great
You’ve probably heard of Hero Forge for custom minis, but have you tried Eldtrich Foundry before?
I am lucky enough to have a partnership with them to create minis for my in-person Spelljammer campaign to review on Geek to Geek, and I got my first creation in last week. It’s awesome.
You can see the scale of their double-sized mini in the image above. He’s going to be the BBEG for my Spelljammer campaign, and I can’t wait to get him fully painted.
I will keep you in the loop as I move forward and do my best not to ruin how he looks, haha.

That’s It!
What kind of cool stuff have you found around the TTRPG sphere lately? Any stories from your tables? Don’t be shy and leave a comment!
This newsletter is brought to you by the letters D, M, and G. Thanks to them, you can find my D&D 5e content at DMs Guild.